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Hire Me

I decided to write this page on the off-chance that someone is still considering hiring me for contract work despite all the outrageous shit I’ve put up on the Interwebs. If this is the case, you’ve probably realized that despite being a lunatic, I’m far more capable than most programmers out there. In this page I hope to give a better idea of what my marketable skills are.

My main area of expertise is C programming, but I’m proficient in some other areas as well. I have made the effort to teach myself PHP, and I have also studied the Wordpress source code in an attempt to gain a deeper understanding of the CMS that powers over 30% of the Internet. I’m hoping to get into web development with Wordpress and PHP, though I’m not quite confident enough in my skills in that area to take on contract work at the moment.

I have a fairly comprehensive understanding of algorithms and data structures, as well as a basic understanding of computational complexity and how to optimize algorithms. I don’t know how useful this would be in freelance work, but it’s got to count for something. You can see examples of algorithms I’ve implemented in the README on my GitHub profile.

I have quite a bit of experience with front-end web development, just designing my own web pages by myself. I think I still need to get up-to-speed with some of the more recent technologies, however. Things like HTML5, CSS3, and TypeScript are on my list of technologies to learn. I am fairly well-versed in classic HTML, CSS, and Javascript though.

Overall, I consider myself a work in progress. I have a lot of technical knowledge, but still need to do some work on making it more practical. I’m not looking for work at the moment, but I do hope to freelance at some point in the future.

If you’re considering hiring me for a project, feel free to message me on my GitHub profile. If that doesn’t work, try my email: Even though I’m not exactly looking for work, I’m still open to commissions, because hey, it might be an interesting experience.

We can communicate via email or face-to-face using Zoom, and I will send you the code I’ve written by email. Thanks for taking an interest. ;)