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My dual monitor setup

My Dual monitor setup

My Raspberry Pi

LED display for my Raspberry Pi server running cmatrix in console mode

Corona-Chan portfolio

My stock portfolio, built in March of 2020 during the Coronavirus recession. I invested $400 and got 100% return on my investment. You wanna know how the rich get richer during a recession? Well, this is how they do it. I say if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.

Message to Senator Warren

Message I wrote to Senator Elizabeth Warren regarding the EARN IT Act. This bill threatens free speech on the Internet and sets a dangerous precedent for banning all strong cryptography. That means no VPNs, no HTTPS, no PGP, nothing. You’ll have to do all your online banking in the clear, leaving you open to cyber-attacks. Yes, Bill Barr, the architect of this bill, has literally stated that his end goal is to ban all strong cryptography on the Internet. Hopefully when Biden wins (which he will), he’ll do the right thing and show Bill Barr the door.

Number DFA

State diagram for part of the Turing machine I designed for parsing and validating CSV code. You can find the code for the Turing machine I wrote in the libcsv repository. You can find a full description of the CSV Turing machine in this article on my Wordpress.

Urbex photography

A sample of my urbex photography. Haven’t done it in a while since my camera’s battery died (meaning it won’t charge anymore) and I haven’t gotten around to replacing it. Also, this house got bulldozed shortly after I went into it and took the pictures. Guess they didn’t want me going in there and getting myself killed. Urbexing can be dangerous if you’re just doing random run-down buildings, because many of these buildings are literally falling apart and can collapse at any time. Still worth the risk in my opinion.


Some of my doxxing handiwork. One of the staff at my group home got scammed trying to buy boots online, so I used my 1337 skillz to track down the scammers and get them deplatformed. Learn five methods for doxxing people the 1337 h4xx0r way in this tutorial.

R scripting

Been getting into statistical computing with R lately. I have a tendency to hate anything that’s popular, which is why I have such a strong objection to Python, but R is such a neat language I can’t resist. At least is makes sense to do data science programming in R since it’s specifically designed for that purpose.

KNN flowchart

Flowchart for a program I came up with that implements the KNN algorithm. Gonna start writing it as soon as I’m finished implementing all the functions in libcsv.